Coloring pages for the teacher (97 coloring pages)
Here is our selection of free coloring pages to offer to a teacher, an educator, a professor, a coach, or anyone who has taught you something and has often brought you a lot.
The customizable coloring page is a simple and free way for a child to say thank you and show appreciation to a teacher with a unique gift.
Each coloring page contains a space where children can write a small message for their teacher, such as "Thank you for everything you do for us!", "Best teacher in the world!", "Thank you for helping us grow and learn every day.", "Great teacher", "Thank you for this year!", "Thank you for all that you do!", "Best teacher ever!", "Thank you for your patience and dedication", "Amazing teacher!", "Have a great summer, teacher!".
The coloring pages can then be printed and offered as a gift at the end of the school year.